How to Use Gunicorn to Launch Two Flask Services with Different Workers?
Image by Crystine -

How to Use Gunicorn to Launch Two Flask Services with Different Workers?

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Are you tired of dealing with multiple services, each with its own set of workers, and wondering how to manage them efficiently? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Gunicorn and Flask, and explore how to launch two Flask services with different workers using Gunicorn.

What is Gunicorn?

Gunicorn, short for Green Unicorn, is a Python WSGI server that allows you to run your Flask (or other WSGI-compatible) applications with ease. It’s a pre-fork worker model, which means it can handle multiple requests concurrently, making it a great choice for production environments.

What is Flask?

Flask is a micro web framework written in Python, ideal for building small to medium-sized applications. It’s lightweight, flexible, and easy to learn, making it a popular choice among developers.

Why Use Gunicorn with Flask?

So, why would you want to use Gunicorn with Flask? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Concurrency**: Gunicorn allows your Flask application to handle multiple requests simultaneously, making it a great choice for high-traffic websites.
  • Flexibility**: With Gunicorn, you can configure the number of workers, timeout, and other settings to optimize your application’s performance.
  • Easy Deployment**: Gunicorn makes it easy to deploy your Flask application to a production environment, with support for various deployment tools like Nginx and Apache.

Launching Two Flask Services with Different Workers

Now, let’s get to the meat of the article! Suppose you have two Flask services, `service1` and `service2`, each requiring a different number of workers. Here’s how you can launch them using Gunicorn:

Step 1: Install Gunicorn

Before you can use Gunicorn, you need to install it. You can do this using pip:

pip install gunicorn

Step 2: Create Your Flask Services

Create two separate Flask services, `service1` and `service2`, each with its own set of routes and logic:

from flask import Flask

app1 = Flask(__name__)

def index1():
    return "Welcome to Service 1!"

if __name__ == "__main__":


from flask import Flask

app2 = Flask(__name__)

def index2():
    return "Welcome to Service 2!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Step 3: Create a Gunicorn Configuration File

Create a file named `gunicorn.conf` with the following contents:

use = egg:gunicorn
workers = 5
worker_class = sync
timeout = 60

module = service1:app

module = service2:app

In this configuration file, we’re telling Gunicorn to:

  • Use the `sync` worker class (you can change this to `gevent` or `eventlet` for asynchronous workers)
  • Spawn 5 workers for each service (you can adjust this number as needed)
  • Set the timeout to 60 seconds (you can adjust this value as needed)
  • Launch `service1` and `service2` using their respective modules

Step 4: Launch Gunicorn

Finally, launch Gunicorn using the following command:

gunicorn -c gunicorn.conf service1:app service2:app

This will launch both `service1` and `service2` with the specified number of workers, using the `sync` worker class.

Monitoring and Logging

Once your services are up and running, you’ll want to monitor and log their performance. Gunicorn provides built-in support for logging and monitoring:


Gunicorn comes with a built-in logger that logs events to the console or a file. You can configure logging by adding the following lines to your `gunicorn.conf` file:

keys = root

keys = consoleHandler

keys = generic

level = INFO
handlers = consoleHandler

class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stdout,)
level = INFO
formatter = generic

format = %(asctime)s [%(process)d] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s

This configuration sets up a basic logger that logs events to the console.


Gunicorn also comes with built-in support for monitoring. You can use tools like `ps` or `htop` to monitor your workers’ performance:

ps aux | grep gunicorn

This command will show you the list of Gunicorn workers and their corresponding processes.


And that’s it! With these simple steps, you’ve successfully launched two Flask services with different workers using Gunicorn. You’ve also learned how to configure logging and monitoring for your services.

Gunicorn is a powerful tool that can help you manage multiple services with ease. By following this guide, you can optimize your Flask applications for high-traffic environments and ensure they’re running efficiently.

Keyword Description
Gunicorn A Python WSGI server for running Flask applications
Flask A micro web framework for building web applications
WSGI A standard interface for web servers and web frameworks
Worker A process that handles requests in a Gunicorn application

I hope you found this article helpful! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the secrets of launching multiple Flask services with Gunicorn!

How do I install Gunicorn to use with my Flask services?

Easy peasy! You can install Gunicorn using pip by running the command `pip install gunicorn` in your terminal. This will allow you to use Gunicorn with your Flask services.

What’s the basic command to launch a single Flask service with Gunicorn?

Simple! The basic command to launch a single Flask service with Gunicorn is `gunicorn -w :app`, where `` is the number of workers you want to use and `` is the name of your Flask app.

How can I launch two separate Flask services with different numbers of workers using Gunicorn?

You can launch two separate Flask services with different numbers of workers by running two separate commands in different terminals. For example, you can run `gunicorn -w 3 service1:app` for the first service and `gunicorn -w 5 service2:app` for the second service, where `service1` and `service2` are the names of your Flask apps.

Is it possible to launch both Flask services in a single command with Gunicorn?

Yes, it is possible! You can use the `–workers` option with the `-w` option to specify the number of workers for each service. For example, you can run `gunicorn -w 3 service1:app -w 5 service2:app` to launch both services in a single command.

How do I specify the port numbers for each Flask service when launching with Gunicorn?

You can specify the port numbers for each Flask service by using the `-b` option followed by the IP address and port number. For example, you can run `gunicorn -w 3 -b service1:app -w 5 -b service2:app` to launch both services on different port numbers.