Modify JSON Based on Condition with Jolt: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Crystine -

Modify JSON Based on Condition with Jolt: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of manually modifying your JSON data based on complex conditions? Do you wish there was a way to automate the process and make it more efficient? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to modify JSON based on condition with Jolt, a powerful JSON transformation tool.

What is Jolt?

Jolt is an open-source JSON transformation tool that allows you to modify and transform your JSON data with ease. It provides a simple and intuitive way to manipulate JSON data based on various conditions, making it an essential tool for data processing and analysis.

Why Use Jolt?

So, why should you use Jolt to modify your JSON data? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Efficiency**: Jolt allows you to automate the process of modifying JSON data, saving you time and effort.
  • Flexibility**: Jolt provides a wide range of transformation functions and conditional statements, making it capable of handling complex data manipulation tasks.
  • Accuracy**: Jolt reduces the risk of human error, ensuring that your JSON data is modified accurately and consistently.

Modifying JSON with Jolt: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Jolt, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of modifying JSON based on condition with Jolt.

Step 1: Install Jolt

Before we begin, you’ll need to install Jolt on your system. You can download the Jolt jar file from the official Jolt website. Once downloaded, add it to your classpath and you’re ready to go!

java -jar jolt-0.1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Step 2: Create a Jolt Spec

A Jolt spec is a JSON file that defines the transformation rules for your JSON data. Let’s create a simple Jolt spec that modifies a JSON object based on a condition.

  "operation": "modify-default-beta",
  "spec": {
    "type": "S",
    "spec": {
      "condition": {
        "op": "==",
        "var": "payment.status",
        "val": "PAID"
      "transform": {
        "payment": {
          "status": "VERIFIED"

In this example, the Jolt spec modifies the “payment.status” field to “VERIFIED” only if the original value is “PAID”. The “condition” section defines the condition, and the “transform” section defines the transformation.

Step 3: Execute the Jolt Transformation

Now that we have our Jolt spec, let’s execute the transformation on our JSON data. You can use the following command to execute the transformation:

java -jar jolt-0.1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar -i input.json -s jolt-spec.json -o output.json

In this example, we’re executing the Jolt transformation on the “input.json” file using the “jolt-spec.json” spec, and outputting the result to the “output.json” file.

Step 4: Verify the Results

Finally, let’s verify the results of the Jolt transformation. Open the “output.json” file and check that the “payment.status” field has been modified to “VERIFIED” for the relevant records.

  "payment": {
    "status": "VERIFIED"

Advanced Jolt Transformations

Now that we’ve covered the basics of modifying JSON with Jolt, let’s explore some advanced transformation techniques.

Conditional Statements

Jolt supports a range of conditional statements, including:

Operator Description
== Equal
!= Not Equal
> Greater Than
< Less Than
>= Greater Than or Equal
<= Less Than or Equal

These conditional statements can be combined using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) to create complex conditions.

Array and Object Manipulation

Jolt provides a range of functions for manipulating arrays and objects, including:

  • append: Appends a value to an array
  • insert: Inserts a value at a specific position in an array
  • remove: Removes a value from an array
  • merge: Merges two objects
  • default: Sets a default value for a field if it’s missing

These functions can be used to perform complex array and object manipulations.

Nesting and Recursive Transformations

Jolt supports nesting and recursive transformations, allowing you to perform complex transformations on nested JSON data.

  "operation": "modify-default-beta",
  "spec": {
    "type": "M",
    "spec": {
      "orders": {
        "type": "M",
        "spec": {
          "condition": {
            "op": "==",
            "var": "orders.status",
            "val": "PAID"
          "transform": {
            "orders": {
              "status": "VERIFIED"

In this example, we’re performing a recursive transformation on the “orders” array, modifying the “status” field to “VERIFIED” for each element that meets the condition.


Modifying JSON based on condition with Jolt is a powerful technique for automating data processing and analysis tasks. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create complex Jolt specs that transform your JSON data with ease. Remember to experiment with different conditional statements, array and object manipulation functions, and nesting and recursive transformations to unlock the full potential of Jolt.

Happy transforming!

This article is optimized for the keyword “Modify json based on condition with jolt” and is intended to provide a comprehensive guide to using Jolt for JSON transformation.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with modifying your JSON data using Jolt? Worry not, dear developer! We’ve got you covered with these Frequently Asked Questions that’ll make you a pro in no time!

How can I modify a JSON array based on a condition using Jolt?

You can use Jolt’s conditional operations, such as `if` or `when`, to modify a JSON array based on a specific condition. For example, if you want to update a JSON array only if a certain field meets a specific condition, you can use a spec like this:
`[ { “operation”: “modify-overwrite-beta”, “spec”: { “yourArray”: “=ifElse(@(1)[yourCondition], @(1)[yourArray], [])” } }]`. This will update the `yourArray` field only if the `yourCondition` is true.

Can I modify multiple JSON fields based on different conditions using Jolt?

Absolutely! Jolt allows you to specify multiple operations in a single spec, and each operation can have its own condition. For example, you can use a spec like this:
{ “operation”: “modify-overwrite-beta”, “spec”: { “field1”: “=if(@(1)[condition1], ‘value1’, ‘default1’)” } },
{ “operation”: “modify-overwrite-beta”, “spec”: { “field2”: “=if(@(1)[condition2], ‘value2’, ‘default2’)” } }
]`. This will update `field1` based on `condition1` and `field2` based on `condition2`.

How can I remove a JSON field based on a condition using Jolt?

Easy peasy! You can use Jolt’s `remove` operation to remove a JSON field based on a condition. For example, you can use a spec like this:
`[ { “operation”: “remove”, “spec”: { “yourField”: “=if(@(1)[yourCondition], ”, @(1)[yourField])” } }]`. This will remove the `yourField` field only if the `yourCondition` is true.

Can I use Jolt to modify a JSON object based on a nested condition?

You bet! Jolt allows you to access nested fields using the `@(n)` syntax, where `n` is the level of nesting. For example, if you want to update a nested field `innerField` based on a condition `innerCondition` inside an object `outerObject`, you can use a spec like this:
`[ { “operation”: “modify-overwrite-beta”, “spec”: { “outerObject”: { “innerField”: “=if(@(2)[outerObject][innerCondition], ‘value’, ‘default’)” } } }]`. This will update the `innerField` field only if the `innerCondition` is true.

What’s the best way to test my Jolt spec to ensure it’s modifying the JSON data correctly?

Good question! To test your Jolt spec, you can use tools like Jolt’s built-in `jolt transform` command or online Jolt playgrounds like Jolt Demo or Joltify. These tools allow you to input your JSON data and Jolt spec, and see the transformed output in real-time. You can also use these tools to debug your spec and ensure it’s working as expected.

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