The Uncorrect Bounding Box Conundrum: A Ubuntu/Chromium MathJax Formula Fiasco
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The Uncorrect Bounding Box Conundrum: A Ubuntu/Chromium MathJax Formula Fiasco

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Are you tired of seeing your MathJax formulas mangled by an uncooperative bounding box in Ubuntu and Chromium? Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution to this vexing problem! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of MathJax, Ubuntu, and Chromium to provide you with clear and direct instructions to tackle this issue head-on.

What’s the Problem, Anyway?

The uncorrect bounding box of a MathJax formula in Ubuntu and Chromium is a frustrating issue that can disrupt the flow of your mathematical expressions. It’s a common problem that arises when the bounding box, which is responsible for defining the spatial boundaries of an element, fails to accurately encapsulate the MathJax formula. This can lead to:

  • Cutoff or overlapping formulas
  • Inconsistent font sizes and styles
  • Incorrect spacing and alignment

This issue can be particularly vexing when working with complex mathematical expressions, where clarity and precision are paramount. But fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got a solution that will have you rendering MathJax formulas like a pro in no time!

Before We Begin: MathJax and Chromium

For the uninitiated, MathJax is a JavaScript display engine that allows you to render mathematical expressions on the web. It’s a powerful tool that supports a wide range of mathematical notation, from simple algebra to advanced calculus and beyond. Chromium, on the other hand, is an open-source web browser that serves as the foundation for Google Chrome.

When it comes to rendering MathJax formulas in Ubuntu and Chromium, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • MathJax version: Ensure you’re running the latest version of MathJax to take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes.
  • Chromium version: Make sure you’re running a compatible version of Chromium that supports MathJax rendering.
  • Ubuntu version: Verify that your Ubuntu installation is up-to-date and running the latest packages.

Solution 1: Configuring MathJax

The first step in resolving the uncorrect bounding box issue is to configure MathJax to optimize its rendering performance. You can do this by adding the following code to your HTML file:

    SVG: {
      scale: 120,
      font: "TeX"

This code snippet sets the MathJax SVG scale to 120 and specifies the TeX font as the default font family. You can adjust these values to suit your specific needs, but this configuration should provide a solid starting point.

Solution 2: Using the MathJax Context Menu

Another approach to resolving the uncorrect bounding box issue is to utilize the MathJax context menu. To access the context menu, simply right-click on the MathJax formula and select “Math Settings” from the dropdown menu.

Within the Math Settings menu, you can adjust the following settings to optimize MathJax rendering:

  • Scale: Adjust the scale of the MathJax formula to better fit the surrounding content.
  • Font: Select a different font family or style to improve readability.
  • Spacing: Adjust the spacing between mathematical elements to enhance clarity.

By tweaking these settings, you can often resolve the uncorrect bounding box issue and achieve a more aesthetically pleasing rendering of your MathJax formulas.

Solution 3: Disabling WebGL

In some cases, the uncorrect bounding box issue may be related to WebGL rendering in Chromium. To disable WebGL and force Chromium to use 2D rendering, add the following flag to your Chrome startup script:


This flag will disable WebGL and force Chromium to use 2D rendering, which can often resolve the uncorrect bounding box issue. However, keep in mind that disabling WebGL may impact the performance of other web applications that rely on 3D graphics.

Solution 4: Using a Different MathJax Renderer

If the above solutions fail to resolve the uncorrect bounding box issue, you may want to consider using a different MathJax renderer. MathJax supports multiple rendering engines, including:

  • HTML-CSS: A fast and flexible renderer that uses HTML and CSS to render MathJax formulas.
  • NativeMML: A high-quality renderer that uses the browser’s native MathML support to render MathJax formulas.
  • SVG: A scalable renderer that uses SVG to render MathJax formulas.

To switch to a different renderer, simply add the following code to your HTML file:

    renderer: "HTML-CSS"

In this example, we’re switching to the HTML-CSS renderer, but you can experiment with different renderers to find the one that works best for your specific use case.


The uncorrect bounding box of a MathJax formula in Ubuntu and Chromium can be a frustrating issue, but with these solutions, you should be able to resolve the problem and achieve crisp, clear renderings of your mathematical expressions. Remember to:

  1. Configure MathJax for optimal performance
  2. Use the MathJax context menu to fine-tune rendering settings
  3. Disable WebGL if necessary
  4. Experiment with different MathJax renderers

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning mathematical expressions that will leave your readers in awe. Happy rendering, and may the mathematical forces be with you!

Solution Description
Configuring MathJax Optimize MathJax rendering by configuring the SVG scale and font family.
Using the MathJax Context Menu Adjust MathJax rendering settings using the context menu.
Disabling WebGL Disable WebGL to force 2D rendering in Chromium.
Using a Different MathJax Renderer Switch to a different MathJax renderer to resolve rendering issues.

Don’t let the uncorrect bounding box of a MathJax formula hold you back any longer! With these solutions, you’ll be creating stunning mathematical expressions in no time. Remember to bookmark this article and share it with your friends and colleagues who may be struggling with the same issue.

Start rendering MathJax formulas like a pro today!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with wonky MathJax formulas on your Ubuntu Chromium browser? Well, you’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions about uncorrect bounding boxes of MathJax formulas in Ubuntu Chromium, along with their answers.

What causes the uncorrect bounding box issue in MathJax formulas?

The uncorrect bounding box issue in MathJax formulas is usually caused by the mismatch between the MathJax rendering engine and the Chromium browser’s rendering engine. This mismatch can lead to incorrect bounding box calculations, resulting in overlapping or misplaced formulas.

How do I fix the uncorrect bounding box issue in MathJax formulas on Ubuntu Chromium?

One way to fix the issue is to disable the Chromium browser’s built-in MathML rendering and let MathJax handle the rendering instead. You can do this by adding the following command-line flag to your Chromium browser: –disable-mathml-rendering. Alternatively, you can try updating your MathJax version or using a different renderer like SVG.

Is the uncorrect bounding box issue specific to Ubuntu or can it occur on other Linux distributions as well?

The uncorrect bounding box issue is not specific to Ubuntu and can occur on other Linux distributions as well. The issue is related to the interaction between MathJax and the Chromium browser, which can happen on any Linux distribution that uses the Chromium browser.

Can I use a different browser to avoid the uncorrect bounding box issue?

Yes, you can use a different browser to avoid the uncorrect bounding box issue. Browsers like Firefox and Safari do not have the same issue with MathJax formulas, so you can try using one of those browsers instead. However, if you need to use Chromium for other reasons, you can try the workaround mentioned earlier.

Is there an open issue or bug report for the uncorrect bounding box issue in MathJax formulas on Ubuntu Chromium?

Yes, there are open issues and bug reports for the uncorrect bounding box issue in MathJax formulas on Ubuntu Chromium. You can check the MathJax bug tracker and the Chromium issue tracker for more information. You can also report your own issue if you haven’t already done so.

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